Friday, February 01, 2008


I was hoping we'd get those 3-5 inches of snow that were forecast for today. No, it's not necessarily that I like snow. I'm just an economical sort of guy.

You see, I have a snow thrower that I bought about three years ago. I had a little electric one that was great in Columbus, IN, for a short, flat driveway, but now I have a long, uphill drive. I've used the little electric one, but it takes a lot of time for a little, 12-inch-wide thrower to clear a long driveway.

And who wants to get a heart attack by shoveling snow? I keep reading where more guys my age have heart attacks after shoveling snow than after any other activity!

So I bought this nice, large, self-propelled snow thrower soon after one of those big snows that really covered us up. The machine is a bright red, has three forward speeds and reverse, a crank that you can use to direct the way you want to throw the snow . . . well, you all probably know more about such contraptions than I do.

I won't tell you what it cost, but it was enough that I want to use the thing!

So far I think I've cleared my driveway twice, maybe three times. Last year the only time it snowed enough to be worth using the machine I was out of town and the snow melted on the asphalt and cement before I got back. So I didn't used the snow thrower all last winter, nor so far this winter. If it keeps going like this, I'll have two straight years of non-use.

Dave Ramsey says to rent the equipment you need rather than buying it. I doubt if you could find one to rent the day before a supposed big snow.

Anyway, I thought sure I could stay home from the office today and use my Big Red Machine. But, no, the snow went north of us. We got about 1/4 inch this afternoon -- about enough to make things white and to make me look stupid if I clear it with the thrower.

So, maybe next week . . . or more likely next decade. Probably it'll snow while I'm in Costa Rica Feb. 7-12 and the machine will sit in the garage and laugh at me. Come to think of it, that big maw in the front does sort of look like a wicked grin!


Karen Walden said...

Maybe you should teach Kathy how to use it just in case...
I understand how you are wanting to use your new toy though! It is fun to get out and play in the snow!
You are right about people having heart attacks shoveling snow too! Scary!!!

Michelle said...

I told him he could come up here and blow snow to his heart's content.

Cindy said...

Sorry to disagree with you, but I'm already ready for Spring! If it can't snow for Christmas, then I'm done with it :)
And Dave Ramsey would be proud of all the money you're saving in gas for your new toy....hehe...

I was out quite late last night, playing games with some friends, one of whom is a missionary associated with EFM. We had a wonderful time, but I was afraid we might have to skate home. The roads weren't terrific, but our driveway was treacherous! I almost fell trying to get from my truck to the house, and that was with creeping along holding on to Mom's car! No sirrie...winter is not my thing. In fact, Florida is sounding better all the time :)

Steve Hight said...

Florida, with sand fleas, hurricanes, no-see-ums, high humidity, higher cost of living, treacherous snow bird drivers every winter? Better than a little bit of snow once or twice a year? Better than four seasons and fall colors and the resurgence of new life every spring?

Mamabear said...

Come on up, Bro. Hight!! You can use our 4wheeler with a blade attached all you want! Its like a snowblower you can ride! :-)
(I just had a great mental pic of you tearing around North Pole begging to plow people's drives! lol)

Vonnie said...

You have just proved your last post wrong, or maybe not. I could just be a junior high level reader. :) But I thoroughly enjoyed this post.!!!!

Steve Hight said...

Hey, MamaBear, I have no desire to go THAT far. I just wanna use my machine once in awhile!

Cindy said...

Yes, Florida. I happen to like hot weather much better than the cold. That could be because I'm basically cold all winter, and I despise being cold. And Florida does have it's good points. Balmy beaches, palm trees, fresh citrus fruit, SeaWorld, etc. :)

Melinda said...

Well, I'm with you, Dad. I came up this weekend excited about the big snowstorm and was disappointed Friday morning :( Oh well, I guess a little is better than nothing, and at least I got all my business taken care of!

Michelle said...

Oh MamaBear - that mental picture is too funny.

Cindy - I don't like the heat either. Florida is too hot for me. I like spring and fall when it's just comfortable.

Jonathan Walden said...

Well, I would just like to know if you still have the little electric blower? Sounds perfect for a house I know!!

Kathy said...

He did teach me how to use it, but the only time I remember I might have used it last year was an evening when I had to go to work. I probably need to be "retaught".
I'm ready for spring too!

Steve Hight said...

Jon, I gave the little electric one to my favorite son-in-law.