Monday, January 28, 2008

Ah -- a sign of good writing! You don't have to be a genius to understand what I pen (I mean, keyboard -- which is not the same as waterboarding).

blog readability test

Thanks for the link, Michelle -- it's interesting.


Karen Walden said...

We are on the same reading level! HA! At least most people can understand our blogs... Michelle's might be too "above their heads!" :)

Vonnie said...

You must be so proud of your daughter.... and you only of little brain, like Pooh. :)

tacomom said...

I posted this on Michelle's but in case you don't read all her comments, here are my ponderings:

"Well, I've been trying to figure out which way that was supposed to be taken. I still haven't come to a solid conclusion but mine came up Jr High level too. So I was HOPING that the key was in the phrase below the title ("what level of education is required to UNDERSTAND your blog.") I tried several other blogs and websites and they vary greatly. Anyway, it was great fun even if I am the lowliest of the low in my writing :) At least I'm in fairly good company with Karen and your dad! lol!"

I guess it might depend on your target audience? I'm so confused :P

Michelle said...

Snickering at Vonnie's comment...

As I said on my blog, everyone who understands my blog should also feel honored!!

Steve Hight said...

They say that a sign of good writing and good speaking is that you help people of various levels understand what you're saying. Newspapers are supposedly aimed at about 8th grade level.

It does feel good to go to Mickey's blog and exercise my brain, though.

tacomom said...

Wow, it was one of those things with a concept that you can almost grasp but yet seems so backwards (and I am not explaining this very well). But it makes my brain fuzzy to try to figure those kind of things out. On a completely different note, Tony was amazed at how quickly it scanned the website or blog that we put in.

Carrie said...

If you were entering blogs, then you probably saw that mine came up at a jr. high level, too.

I'm honored to be writing at Rev. Steve Hight's level. If it hadn't have been for you, Bro. Hight, I might never have admitted it.

Mamabear said...

Mine said High School level,, and then just as I was getting all proud and uppity, I came here and read these comments. I'm so confused...does this mean I don't get to graduate??? :-)