Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Off to Costa Rica early in the morning, and I have to finish packing yet, so I'll just leave this brief note to ask you to pray for me and this trip. I'm due back on the 12th, and hope to publish a picture or two and tell you a little about the trip.


Karen Walden said...

Have a safe trip and I hope you don't miss out on a good opportunity to use your snow blower while you are gone!!! :)

tacomom said...

Hope you have safe travels. Will pray for you as you come to mind!!

sankey family said...

I know you've already departed - I'll be praying!

Cindy said...

Hope your trip goes really well. Also, just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed watching you play volleyball with the kids tonight :)I would love to play, but I'm scared to. I broke a finger playing v-ball when I was 18, and spend weeks in Occupational Therapy learning to move it again. So I guess I'll be the cheerleader!
Anyway, have a great trip, and we'll see ya when you get back.

Kim M. said...

Have a great trip. I think it IS supposed to snow a little. ;-)

Rex and Missy McDowell said...

Wow, I wish that I could have seen you play volleyball. That must have been quite the sight!

Steven said...

Grandpa,How was your trip to costa rica?Hope it was good.Steven