Saturday, August 23, 2008

Creation Museum, Cincinnati

One of the places we visited, among the trips mentioned in the post below, was the Creation Museum
. If you haven't see it, you need to go. Very interesting! I have a bunch of pictures, and may post a few of them in another entry, but in this post I want to show you three video clips taken on my digital camera.

The first one is of a girl, accompanied by two dinosaurs. I was experimenting with my camera, so part of the video is out of focus when I zoom in too fast on the girl's face. My apologies :-)

The second video is also in the entrance area to the museum section. This one is of a dinosaur high above the crowd, eating a vine and looking over his domain.

One of the contentions of the people who created the museum is that dinosaurs were part of the animal creation in the six days and that they lived alongside man and were herbivores. When asked the question about dinosaurs on the ark with Noah, their answer is that the Bible doesn't say how large or how mature the pairs of animals were, just that they were there; so small, juvenile dinos could have been on the ark in fulfillment of God's word. (By the way, Glen Reiff says that, though all the other animals entered the ark in pairs, the worms entered in apples!)

Within the main part of the museum is this short video of a dinosaur after the fall -- obviously a carnivore, if you note at the beginning the victim at its feet.

Within the museum area there are two or three multi-media presentations, such as a dramatic reading of the Genesis 1 account of the creation. In other areas of the building, accessible from the lobby, there is a planetarium, where they have an astounding presentation of the stars and constellations in which they whirl you through large distances of the universe and show different views of the stars and planets. And in the special effects theater is an evolution-vs-creation presentation that features rumbling, shaking seats when there's lots of noise, and even light sprays of water when they present the torrential rains and flashing lightning of the Great Flood. It's all very well done.

There are even somewhat exotic foods available. For example, I tried the Aussie Burger, a culinary experiment that I may not repeat. Working upward it had: Bottom half of bun; shredded lettuce and carrots; a slice of pineapple; 1/3-lb. ground sirloin patty; about three slices of red beets; tomato; three or four slices of bacon; and the top of the bun. At the very least I can say that the pineapple and beets gave the concoction a different flavor; and even that the mixture of the pineapple and beets caught my attention.


Amy Shearer said...

I am going to try to set up a homeschool field trip to this museum this year. I'm so glad you posted about it! Is this something all ages (K-12) would enjoy?

By the way, thanks for the compliment on our basement. We are very pleased with it and SO thankful it's done!!

Mike Hight said...

Sounds like something I would have enjoyed! I've always believed that the dinosaurs did exist, but were a victim of extinction. I think crocodiles and alligators are survivors, simply because they are such efficient eaters (they digest something like 97% of what they eat). Anywhoo, I think I also would have enjoyed the burger; sounds like something I get at Red Robin when I go.

Steve Hight said...

Amy, I'm not sure how low in age to go to say that kids would or wouldn't enjoy it. E-mail me for comments and observations.

Vonnie said...

I have wanted to go there ever since I heard about it and saw it off I-275.(is it?)

sankey family said...

We would really like to take the boys and visit the Creation Museum sometime while we're home on deputation. We had plans to do it earlier but it didn't work out. Thanks for your observations and encouragement to go.
Not sure about that Aussie burger.
Que tenga buen dia!

Cindy said...

I've been to the Creation Museum and very much enjoyed it! One small note to Melodie Sankey...I am 99% sure that missionaries can get in for free! Also, our SS class from FMC is tentatively planning a trip there this fall. Hope it works out for you to go before returning to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend a field trip for "readers" only, unless you can pair a reader with a non-reader. The signs need to be read, I think, and depending on the crowd, that can be hard...especially with little ones. We went last fall and it was great, but definitely not something I would recommend for very young children (ours were too young, 2 and 4). However, with the petting zoo and other changes they have made since our visit, maybe younger children would enjoy it more now. Our children did LOVE the animals, and still talk about the "dinosaur museum".
~Crystal from Bloomington, IL PHC

Kim M. said...

I can't wait to take my boys!!! They love dinosaurs.