Here are pictures of the Sunday evening crowd. We climbed to 143 -- and I think there were even more who came in after the preaching started. This is in the auditorium of the education wing of the church where this congregation has begun renting. They can use the sanctuary sometimes and the auditorium sometimes.
Wow, that looks pretty exciting!
Nice place they are able to rent!
Ay, Hermano - gracias a Dios! Mas suenos realizados - Su Reino avanza de dia en dia. Que sigamos adelante con nuevas fuerzas . . .
Gracias por visitarme :) en mi "blog." A ver cuando agarre unos momentos para mandar noticias a mis amigos . . .
(No se como poner acentos en esta cosa que se llama un "blog." Ni modo . . .)
Lo siento - "Anonymous" se llama Hna. Estefany :)
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